
I’m a statistician who likes to write code and build forecasting models. I’ve worked in financial services, network TV, and tech.

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I started programming way-back-when in Pascal as an intern for MDSI. My project was to write a spelling checker!

I earned a PhD in statistics from Texas A&M with an emphasis in statistical computing. While at A&M, I wrote MATRIX in MS Pascal and assembly languages on MS DOS. MATRIX was an interpretted matrix language (think R but at the time New S was under development at Bell Labs). The source code and executable are here. It will run under DosBox.

I’ve written user applications in VB, VBA (sigh, yes this is possible) and Python. These days I write in Go whenever possible. My apps have generally been a delivery system for models that I’ve built.

Being a statistician, there’s been plenty of SAS and R/Splus, as well.

When I joined Google in 2018, I was the only data scientist hired through the Rabbit Hole.

Here’s my profile on LinkedIn.

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