Current Projects
These days I’ve been working on tools in Go for working with data using ClickHouse as the backend.
Here’s what’s been done since April of this year:
chutils is a package to move data in and out of ClickHouse. You can, for instance, point to a CSV, let the package determine the data types and then load a table. Or, you can run a query and output the results to a new table. You can also add new fields. Finally, you can specify legal values and what to do if the value is outside that set or is null.
fannie is an app for loading the data made available from Fannie Mae into ClickHouse. The data is housed as a single table with the monthly values being nested arrays.
The freddie app does the same but for the Freddie Mac data.
toch is an app for moving data from the web or files into ClickHouse.
fred2ch is an app for moving data from the St. Louis Fed’s Fred II database to ClickHouse.
sampler is a package that creates a stratified sample from a source ClickHouse query. The output sample is saved to ClickHouse as is a table of the strats and counts.
seafan is a package of model-building tools for DNN models. It has data pipelines, model-specification methods, diagnostics and more. The fitting algorithm uses the awesome gorgonia package.